Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Cerberus - Mythical Creature

Hey, today I'm going to write about a mythical creature called Cerberus.

Cerberus, also known as "Hound of Hades" is one of the mythical creatures in Greek mythology. The three headed dog is the guardian of the of the Underworld with the job of keeping the dead in and not let them escape. The features of Cerberus is a tail of a serpent, and of course, his three big heads (which doesn't have names of  their own in case your wondering). Cerberus was owned by Hades, the god of the underworld in Greek mythology. Its been said that Cerberus was captured by Heracles, a hero in Greek mythology, Hades did allow him to capture Cerberus but under one condition, Heracles must capture Cerberus without using any weapons. After the battle, Heracles brought Cerberus to his people but soon let Cerberus loose. Cerberus returned to the underworld and was never disturbed again.